The Story of APEX
Three Friends Have Founded APEX In 2014, And Have Been Accompanied By The Bests!!
Eede pardazane kolah sefide alborz has been founded in 2014 as a small software team with "Apex" brand. Consists of 3 people who started working on design and development sofware systems. Due to the main focus on the learning power of individuals and the screening of the forces of the group, which are often graduates of Sampad schools or top universities in the country in terms of intelligence, teamwork spirit, responsibility, innovation and etc, and in In terms of dynamism and agility, Apex has been able to leave a brilliant record during its years of operation and has the honor of working with great and famous companies. Today, the Apex family has more than 35 members who work directly or indirectly with Apex. A big family with creative and talented members who are each skilled in their field of work, a community of managers, programmers, designers, researchers and etc. Apex head office is located in Alborz province and other offices in order to expand domestic and foreign activities are in Tehran province and Kish Island free zone.